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Are Invisalign Alternatives Worth the Investment in 2020?


If you have crooked or crowded teeth or other orthodontic problems (like an overbite or underbite), you’ve probably considered getting braces at least once in your life.
The most popular braces are metal braces designed to straighten teeth over time.

However, there are alternative kinds of braces that have risen in popularity. Invisalign braces are an aesthetically pleasing alternative to traditional metal braces because, as their name indicates, you can’t see them!

Do You Want the Best Braces for Your Teeth?

Invisalign braces are clear aligners constructed from a flexible plastic that snugly fit into your teeth. These removable braces come without any wires or brackets that you typically see with metal braces. They perform the same function as the other types of braces (i.e. straightening teeth to enhance your overall appearance and function). However, according to dentists, Invisalign braces are more comfortable, effective and produce better results than other brands.
In comparison to other plastic, transparent aligners, Invisalign is the most highly preferred brand by many patients and dentists. Even though there are other clear braces alternatives available, why do so many people choose Invisalign braces?

Benefits of Invisalign Treatment

The most noticeable feature of Invisalign braces is their construction. They are made of a unique, patented material that is thermoplastic in nature and free of any gluten, latex, BPA or BPS called ‘SmartTrack.’ Invisalign braces are proven to give patients the smile they want much faster than other brands on the market. (https://glasshousefarms.org/)

Let’s investigate some of the reasons why dentists and patients alike give Invisalign braces an edge over other teeth-straightening options.

1. Virtually Invisible

Other types of braces with wires and brackets can be seen, and they’re quite visible when you chew or talk. Many people are turned off by how obvious these braces are, which is a big reason why they search for other options.

Invisalign braces, on the other hand, are almost invisible because they’re made of a super thin, clear plastic material. These braces fit so well over teeth that it’s next to impossible to notice them, even when you open your mouth.

2. Comfortable and Pain-Free

Invisalign braces are very comfortable to wear, and they provide a better fit than many other brands in the market. Their patented SmartTrack material makes braces easy to apply, sleep with, remove and eat.

Invisalign braces are trimmed according to your gum line. This level of precision provides a better fit, appearance and overall level of comfort than their competitors.

3. Efficient and Quick

You’ll probably be surprised to know that Invisalign braces have been used by over 7 million international patients. They also work super fast; they’re 75% more likely to straighten your teeth 50% faster than other types of braces!

We recommend Invisalign braces to patients with orthodontic problems for all of these reasons…and we have seen the incredible results firsthand! While these braces have a higher initial investment than other alternatives, Invisalign braces are worth every penny because they work quickly and offer the very best results.

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