
4 Points on Dental Implants You Need to Know

Dental implants Richmond Hill has transformed dental restoration procedures. However, instead of attracting good reports, it has been misunderstood and even branded as a preferential treatment for the wealthy. We thought we should shed light on the procedure by way of a few facts, to demystify the misconceptions surrounding it. They include:implant image

Dental implants can steady and conserve the tooth’s bone structure

Most dentists recommend implants for severely fractured or cracked teeth because bone grafting, a process used in dental implants; helps stop further infection of the bone while preventing the surrounding teeth from more periodontal diseases. Implants help restore the damaged tooth section through integration with the jaw bone. It steadies the roots of your natural tooth; and as such restores functionality giving you a decent bite.

Maintaining dental implants is easy

Not all restoration procedures guarantee the expected results. Some of the procedure may lead to other dental issues that require more money to correct especially if not cleaned using special adhesives and cleaning agents.  The results you achieve from implants are fashioned to match your natural teeth.

It is because of this reason that cleaning does not require specialized attention as do dentures and bridges. All you need to do to care for your implants is to brush and floss your teeth regularly. You also have to visit your dentist for regular checkups to ensure everything is fine. You have to keep your gums free from infection to keep the implants from coming off. So, it is important to keep your gums healthy.

During your regular checkups, your dentist can assess the condition of the implants and ensure that there are no traces of infection in or around the gums. The titanium used to make the implants is biocompatible, thus is not harmful to your oral healthy. And unlike other tooth replacement procedures such as braces, implants do not require removing meaning that they can last for many years to come.

Implants restore your facial structure

Missing teeth destroy the structure of your face causing it to have a sunken appearance. Implants help restore your facial structure and thus your general appearance. Implants are ideal if you want to restore your facial muscle and skin too.

The restoration procedure is natural and comfortable

Implants are a two-phase treatment. In the initial phase, your dentist checks the affected tooth then designs a mold that is similar to your healthy teeth. You will then receive a temporary implant that you can stay with for two to three weeks as you wait for your mold to be ready. The last phase involves having the permanent implant securely installed on the affected tooth by the use of dental cement.

Your dentist will determine the right sedation dentistry that fits your needs. Sedation dentistry usually helps to relax the patient and numb the pain. During the first procedure, local anesthesia is used making the treatment quick and painless.

All in all, it is important to note that for you to qualify as a candidate for the dental implant; you need your dentist to assess if you are fit for the procedure. You need to disclose if you are on any cancer treatment, use tobacco or have a chronic heart condition because it would be pointless and even harmful to have the implants.

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