Opening Dental Offices After the Quarantine in Richmond Hill

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed many things about our daily lives. Dental offices were mandated to close in March, and only emergency dental care was available. This decision was made to reduce and contain the spread of the coronavirus and reduce the need for masks and other personal protective equipment.

Now that Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario has made recommendations for dental offices to open to patients for non-emergency appointments again, extra safety precautions are being taken. If you need to see your dentist in Richmond Hill in the near future, here is what you can expect at your next appointment.

Before Your Appointment

To ensure that the patients are healthy, your dental office might call you before your appointment. They will require you to complete a form asking you if you’ve been affected by COVID-19 or if you know someone who has been affected by the disease for safety reasons.

The clinic might also repeat these questions in-person once you arrive at the clinic to ensure that you are well, healthy and a good candidate to receive dental care.
Your dentist may limit the number of people you can bring to your appointment. This may mean that you will have to leave your children at home, or let your older children go to the dentist alone. Since dental clinics are reopening in Richmond Hill, citizens can hope to see the same strictness observed in other public places.

During Your Appointment

Before you leave your house, even if you’re sure no one around you is COVID-19 positive, please wear a mask. When you arrive at the dentist’s office, you may be asked to wait outside until the dentist is ready to see you. This will be done to make sure there are fewer people when you arrive at the office

The reception area may look different (e.g. no toys or magazines) for safety reasons.
Once you’re inside the dentist’s office, you might notice that the surroundings look different. The dentist might have a plastic cover over their keyboard, and your dentist might also be using more protective equipment than they did before, such as special masks, gowns, or goggles.

After Your Appointment

Now that dental clinics are reopening in Richmond Hill, cleanliness is extremely important. After you leave the dental office, the staff will thoroughly clean items you touched or interacted with before texting another client to enter the office. These heightened safety measures can help reduce the spread of COVID-19.

If you start feeling sick with the symptoms of COVID-19 within two weeks of seeing your dentist, please call the dental office. It is possible that you were carrying the virus at the time of your appointment, and the people who came into contact with you could be at risk of getting infected as well.
Seeing your dentist for regular cleanings and checkups is extremely important to maintaining good oral health. Dental offices in Richmond Hill are reopening after several weeks of closures due to COVID-19, and they are committed to keeping patients healthy through heightened safety and hygiene procedures.

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