Here is what to expect
- Our main goal has always been to protect the health of our patients, staff and community
- I would like to personally welcome you back and re-assure you that with a tremendous amount of care, planning and investment to our existing set-up, we are keeping up and going beyond the guidelines outlined by Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Health Canada to provide a safe environment for our patients, our staff and our community with that said please expect certain changes when coming for your appointment
- Appointments will be spaced out to allow physical distancing between patients. It will also allow time for our office to be disinfected between each appointment. That might mean less flexibility for scheduling your appointment
- The day before your appointment one of our caring staff will ask you questions to see if you have any COVID-19 symptoms. Once you arrive at our office you will be at a designated area, under your shoes will be sprayed with a 99% alcohol, you will be asked to use 70% or more alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Your temperature will be taken with a touchless thermometer. Your pulse and O2 level will be measured. You’ll be given a plastic bag to keep your personal belongings such as cell phones, bags, keys,…
- Please wear a mask or face covering before entering the office and while in the office except when you are being treated.
- We will be wearing more protective gear than normal. This includes masks, face shields, gowns and possibly head covers.
- You may be asked to limit the number of people you bring to the appointment with you. There are exceptions for small children and people who require assistance. If a parent or caregiver is allowed, they will also be subject to all screening measures
- You may be asked to wait outside the office and call when you arrive. You must then wait for a call back to let you know when you can enter
- The waiting room will not be open for everyone. Chairs will be spaced two metres apart. There will be no magazines, toys, or any other non-essential items in the office, as these are all difficult to disinfect
- Patients must wash their hands with a 70 to 90 per cent alcohol-based solution, or soap and water, when they leave the office
- Plan to pay by touchless payment, such as credit card or Interac